Chiropractor Benefits
Pain Management If you suffer from a slipped disc, bulging disc, Scoliosis, stenosis, headaches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, headaches, neck or back pain or any ache and pain related to the spine– then it’s time to get pain relief from a licensed Chiropractor. A Chiropractor can offer medication free treatment plans and pre-adjustment massages to help manage and relieve body pain. This method is very similar to a warm-up before you start your workout routines. This provides you with a more meaningful spinal adjustment. Your local Chiropractor like located in Tucson AZ will customize special exercise programs based upon your specific health needs such as "blueprint" exercises which can help strengthen and correct the irregularities in your body which may be causing pain. Many of these corrective exercises can actually be performed in the comfort of your own home to help improve the effectiveness of your chiropractic care and spinal correction plan. Chiropractic care may give your body the opportunity to heal and function better naturally without drugs or surgeries. However, you should always ask your Chiropractor for a custom exercise plan that would benefit your health condition and help your transformation into a stronger you. In conclusion, there are many positive benefits to schedule routine visits to a Chiropractor. Pain Relief Benefit The very first benefit you will discover is the immediate form of lessened pain and relief from the pain you are experiencing. Even symptoms of pain caused by arthritis and muscle spasms may be lessened after a spinal adjustment. Immunity Benefit People go to Chiropractors to relieve pain. Professional Chiropractors may also help improve ones’ immune response. Immune systems messaging system. The immune system will rely on the nerves messaging the brain from the other areas of the body. These forms of communication that travel from the nerve to brain may be interrupted or limited due to a pinched or compressed nerves in the spinal column. The job of the immune system is to respond correctly to help fight against infections and problems within the body. Many people are discovering that when they routinely visit the Chiropractor mostly discover they are sick less than most others that do not visit a Chiropractor such as Nervous System and its’ Pain Management Wellness Benefit The human body performs and functions better when the nervous system is communicating to the body properly and doing its job. Chiropractors are joint pain specialists. Feel better and relive your pain by allowing your local Chiropractors office to help you with pain management which will also help improve your immune system benefits and your daily way of life. If you are ready to see a Chiropractor to help with pain management programs, help reduce and or eliminate aches and pains, help increase the potential for a stronger immune system and increase the quality of your life than visit your Tucson Chiropractor today at and we will be more than happy to go over your option to living a better and more pain free lifestyle.
When a person has back discomfort they may be confused as to which treatment option to choose for pain relief. Of all musculoskeletal conditions, low back pain is one of the most disabling; often leading to chronic pain, lost productivity and other problems. This article will discuss pain of the back and the best treatment options.
Discomfort of the back is ubiquitous. In the United States, by the time a person reaches 40 years old, they have an 80% chance of having had at least one significant episode of lower back pain. Not only is back discomfort common, it is a painful condition that greatly affects quality of life. People who have experienced back pain commonly note that their condition limits their ability to function normally in their activities of daily living, like sleeping, performing chores around the house, getting dressed and cooking. In fact, back pain is regularly reported as the cause for making the ‘easy’ become difficult, if not impossible. When faced with the life altering malady of back pain, one is confronted with a myriad of choices for treatment. A typical medical approach might be medication or referral to a back specialist for possible back surgery. However, every patient must be wary of taking medication for discomfort of the back. Back pain is one of the leading reasons people are prescribed opioid medications, and half of all United States opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid. A safe alternative treatment for relief of back discomfort and pain would be to seek chiropractic care. Chiropractors do not prescribe medication, nor do they perform back surgery. Instead, chiropractors take an approach that is conservative. When a patient initially goes to a chiropractor, they will be examined for possible misalignment and improper movement of the spinal bones. Research shows that the cause of the majority of people suffering from back discomfort is improper mechanical alignment and movement of the bones of the spine. Chiropractors are the only professionals trained to diagnose and treat the physical, mechanical and alignment problems that are often associated with spine pain. A 2013 study from the journal Spine found that patients who saw chiropractors were less likely to have surgery for back pain. Researchers studied 1885 injured workers, suffering from back pain in Washington state and found that the healthcare provider a patient initially visited significantly affected a patient's likelihood of receiving surgery. People who visited a medical doctor for their back pain were more likely to have an operation than people who visited a chiropractor. Nearly 43% of medical patients had surgery compared to just 1.5% of chiropractic patients, meaning that medical patients were 28 times more likely to have surgery. In our modern pandemic world plagued with an ongoing and overwhelming shortage of the availability of medical supplies and treatments, treat your body naturally and without the use of drugs or surgery with chiropractic care from Casabona Chiropractic and 520-498-9984. The back pain relief experts at Casabona Chiropractic offer state-of-the-art chiropractic machines, medication free treatment plans, and meaningful spinal adjustments. Treat your back discomfort safely without drugs or surgeries with chiropractic care from Casabona Chiropractic located in Phoenix, Arizona, found online at and by telephone at 520-498-9984.
Going to any new healthcare provider can be nerve wrecking, especially if it is a type of doctor you haven’t seen before. Going to the Chiropractor for the first time most people want to know what to expect and what may happen during their first visit. We’ve rounded up the 5 things you can expect during your first appointment so you do not have to worry about it!
Seeing a Chiropractor for the first time does not need to scare you or make you nervous, your Chiropractor wants to help you live your life pain free! If you have any questions please feel free to call our office!
In the U.S. and across the world, headaches after one of the most common chronic disorders people face. According to theWorld Health Organization (WHO), almost 50% of the adult population has experienced a headache at least once within the past year. Additionally, 9 out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches at some point in their lives. Furthermore, headache disorders, which are categorized as recurrent, severe bouts of headache pain, can cause disability, decreased quality of life, financial difficulty, and even an inability to work. If you’re a headache sufferer, you know exactly how debilitating a bad headache can be. Whether you get migraines or routine headaches, you’ve probably wondered time and time again how to stop theme, and what you need to do to reclaim your quality of life. Luckily, the answer may be more straightforward than you’d imagine: Chiropractic care. Chiropractic care addresses the root cause of many headache disorders, promoting healthy alignment in the spine, and ensuring comfort down the road. Here’s what you need to know.
What Causes Headaches?Headaches, like joint pain or allergies, have dozens of causes. Because of this, the root issue underlying a problem can be quite tricky to pin down. Common headache triggers include the following:
Chiropractic Care and HeadachesIf you suffer from headaches, chiropractic care could be an excellent option for getting some relief. According to theAmerican Chiropractic Association (ACA), “Research shows that spinal manipulation – one of the primary treatments provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck. A 2014 report in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) found that interventions commonly used in chiropractic care improved outcomes for the treatment of acute and chronic neck pain and increased benefit was shown in several instances where a multimodal approach to neck pain had been used. Also, a 2011 JMPT study found that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, improves migraine and cervicogenic headaches.” Since the vast majority of headaches are caused by muscle tension or spinal misalignment, chiropractic care is an excellent treatment approach. In addition to addressing the hazards of our sedentary lifestyle, chiropractic care also reduce joint irritation and muscle tension, leading to fewer headache days in a given month.6 Ways Chiropractors Address Headache PainIf you’re suffering from recurrent headaches, you need relief. Fortunately, chiropractors are familiar with these particular difficulties and will go above and beyond to ensure you get the career you need. Here are six ways your chiropractor may approach and treat your headaches:
Kick Your Headaches to the CurbHeadaches are uncomfortable, unpleasant, and an interruption to your daily life. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with them. Instead of suffering through yet another headache this year, book an appointment with a chiropractor today. A chiropractor can help you identify the root cause of your headaches and come p with a treatment plan to address them. Within a few months of chiropractic care, most patients seea dramatic decrease in the frequency and severity of their headaches. Could you be one of them? Contact our office to book your first appointment today!
Those of us who work at a desk all know the neck and shoulder pain that can go with it, sitting all day is not only bad for your health, it's bad for your neck/spine/head. Years ago sitting all day was the only real option for certain kinds of work, the good news is there are several options for being able to sit or stand at work. Taking breaks from sitting during the day is vital, being able to take breaks from sitting and still get work done is not only good for you but your work as well. If your boss isn’t set on getting you a standing desk just let them know of all the benefits it can have on the health of their employees. If you do sit all day and suffer from back or neck pain call our office today and we can help you feel better!
Poor posture: most of us have it, few of us understand exactly how damaging it can be to our overall health. According toHarvard Medical School, poor posture can lead to everything from back and neck conditions to incontinence, constipation, heartburn, and slowed digestion. Surprising? It is for most people. When you think about it, though, the spine acts as the foundation of the human body. Home to some of our most critical neural pathways, it’s not a surprise that jamming our spines into unnatural shapes or slouching for 9 hours a day can create some serious problems. Don’t worry, though. It doesn’t have to be your reality. Here's a breakdown on how to improve your posture and avoid the dangerous health conditions that come with slouching.
The Definition of PostureMost of us understand, anecdotally, what posture is. If you’ve ever wondered how the pros define either, though, here's your answer, from theAmerican Chiropractic Association (ACA): “Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture is the correct alignment of body parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension against gravity. Without posture and the muscles that control it, we would fall to the ground.” In our everyday lives, most of us don’t overthink about our posture. As such, we neglect it, allowing the muscle groups that are primarily responsible for it to go unused and atrophy in the process. While this can make it harder to develop good posture and it’s still far from impossible.Why Bad Posture is so DamagingSlouching: it might seem inconsequential, but it has some surprising health effects. First of all, slouching puts excess stress on your spine. It also strains your bones, muscles, and joints, and makes it more difficult for you to hold your body in the correct position. As it turns out, bad posture isn’t just bad for your spine - it also does a number on your internal organs. Constant slumping smashes your internal organs together, making it harder for your lungs and intensities to do their jobs optimally. Over time, that can impact your digestive function and make it difficult for your body to get enough air when you breathe.How to Improve Your Posture: 4 Chiropractor-Approved RecommendationsWant to look better in pictures? Get rid of that persistent pain in your lower back? Feel better and more active every day? Try these simple posture-improving tips:1. Practice Some Light YogaIf you’ve been sitting all slumped-up for a few years, the first step in improving your posture is training your spine to fit into new shapes. With this in mind, incorporate some simple yoga poses into your daily life. Child’s pose, for example, is a great place to start. To get into child’s pose, follow this step-by-step:
2. Fix Your Desk PostureOur desks are a virtual minefield for our posture. Between improperly-aligned computers, low-quality chairs, and common workday fatigue, most of us harm our spines while we work all day. To avoid this, make sure your desk setup isas ergonomic as possible. Here are some tips:
3. Wear Supportive ShoesHeels might look great, but they should be used sparingly. Because heeled shoes thrust the base of your spine forward, they create an unnatural arch in your back, harming your posture and leading to complications. Instead, wear supportive, low-heeled shoes with plenty of arch support. Ask your chiropractor for some recommendations, if you’re not sure where to turn.4. Get Enough ExerciseOne of the best ways to improve your posture? Improve and enhance the muscle groups responsible for it. Well-designed workout plans, which focus on incorporating cardio and strength training, with a focus on the back, core, and legs, will help your spine feel great for years to come.Better Posture Starts HereIf you’re concerned about improving your posture, these four tips are an excellent place to start. By improving your environment, focusing on making your body stronger, and wearing shoes that support your spine, you can enhance your posture and feel better every day. Need some additional support to improve your posture? Contact our office and book your first chiropractic appointment today.
We all know how great getting a massage feels, how relaxed and relieved you feel after you get off the massage table. Getting a massage can often seem like a luxury and just for special occasions or gifts, however; there are some great benefits to getting a massage that will help your whole body! Massage is not just for special occasions, it’s for your health and wellness. Everyone deserves to feel their best and live pain free, massage can help you do that!
Neck pain: it’s one of the most common chronic conditions out there. In fact, an estimated16-75% of the global population experiences neck pain at some point. Additionally, neck pain ranks as one of the top 5 pain disorders in the U.S. and contributes annually to thousands of days of missed work, compensation claims, and doctor’s office visits. As if all that weren’t enough, neck pain just makes daily life hard - impacting our moods, our comfort, and our willingness to do the things we love. If you’re one of the many people suffering from neck pain, there is hope for relief. Chiropractic treatment is a non-invasive, effective way to treat and resolve neck pain and help you live a more comfortable life. Here’s what you need to know.
Neck Pain, by the NumbersIf you’re suffering from neck pain, you are not alone. These numbers illustrate exactly how prevalent neck pain is in the U.S. and global populations alike:
What Causes Neck Pain?Like back or leg pain, the causes of neck pain are varied. Common causes of neck pain include issues with the cervical disk, strains to muscles and tendons, osteoarthritis, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, old injuries, poor posture, excessive physical activity or repetitive movements, diet, dehydration, illness, and obesity. While neck pain is inconvenient and uncomfortable, it’s not always a sign of a critical issue. According to theMayo Clinic, “Rarely, neck pain can be a symptom of a more serious problem. Seek medical care if your neck pain is accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands or if you have shooting pain into your shoulder or down your arm.” Remember that neck pain comes in all shapes and sizes. While no two conditions are the same, it’s always important to pay attention to your symptoms, your pain, and your unique situation.How Chiropractors Treat Neck PainIf you’ve ever been to a chiropractor before, you know that chiropractic practitioners use their hands and adjusting tools to treat pain in the muscles, joints, and nerves. Using controlled yet sudden force, chiropractors manipulate joints beyond their normal range, loosening the joints, increasing freedom of movement, and re-aligning problem areas gradually and gently. Over time, this decreases discomfort and restores normal quality of life. When it comes to the treatment of neck pain, in particular, chiropractors generally focus on cervical manipulation. Cervical manipulation targets the joints in the cervical vertebrae, which serves to reduce pain and tightness in the areas below the joint. If the cause of your neck pain is not immediately apparent, your chiropractor may use a combination of x-rays, CT scans, or physical screenings to identify issues and propose a treatment plan.What to Expect From Your First Chiropractic VisitIf your neck pain has finally driven you to the chiropractor, here’s what you can expect during your initial office visit:1. A Comprehensive Patient HistoryUnless you’re already an established patient at a chiropractic office, the first order of business will be for the chiropractic staff to take a full patient history. You’ll fill out a form, either digitally or on paper, to answer background questions about your health and any old injuries. Questions may include the following:
2. A Chiropractic ExamOnce the doctor has taken your full health history, you’ll undergo a chiropractic exam. This may include general health tests, including blood pressure, respiration rate, reflexes, and more. The chiropractor will also likely look at the range of motion in your affected area, your overall muscle tone and strength, and more. If the chiropractor sees fit, he or she may also order x-rays or scans to uncover injuries and formulate a treatment plan.3. The AdjustmentNext comes the part you’ve been waiting for - the chiropractic adjustment! During this part of the appointment, the chiropractor will manually adjust your neck and the areas around it, seeking to resolve the pain and provide relief. Keep in mind that, while you’ll likely experience a measure of comfort after your adjustment, it may take several sessions for the condition to resolve entirely.4. The Follow-up PlanUnless your doctor sees your condition as acute and easy to treat, he or she will likely develop a treatment plan to continue providing relief. In most cases, you’ll plan to see the chiropractor once a week, or a few times a month, until x-rays or other scans prove your condition is resolving.You Don’t Have to Live With Neck PainIf you’ve been fighting your way through neck pain, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. By seeing a skilled chiropractor with experience resolving neck pain, you can identify the cause, banish the discomfort, and get back to enjoying your life. While many people find themselves nervous about their first chiropractic visit, it’s important to remember that chiropractors offer a holistic, effective, non-invasive treatment for neck pain. For most people, even a few visits to a chiropractic office results in a dramatic reduction of neck pain symptoms. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us to book your first appointment today.
Concussions are not enjoyable and can cause issues long after they are gone, it is very important that after a concussion a proper recovery is followed. A proper recovery can take time and seem frustrating, the only way to lessen the effects and long lasting repercussions is having a proper recovery, there are some great ways to help you feel better and recover faster.
Concussions can be scary and cause lasting side effects, they do not have to keep you down long. Recovery can be difficult and the symptoms can be frustrating, however; if you follow our suggestions you will be on your way to feeling better in no time!
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